Current projects

Current projects in the field of High-Performance Computing (HPC), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Austria


Staying at the forefront of sustainable technological development requires timely and proactive action from public administrations, scientists, researchers, and innovators. Numerous initiatives in Austria take the lead and help people and organisations thrive in the digital decade by expanding skills, infrastruture and adressing complex problems in science, research, economy and society with the help of advanced computing.

Below you will find an overview of ongoing projects in the field of HPC / Big Data / AI in Austria: projects that range from studying the universe to tackling societal challenges, creating innovative products and inventing breakthrough technologies; cooperations that foster scientific excellence, economic growth, and evidence-based policymaking; initiatives that meet challenges of rapid technological advancement, turn them into opportunities, and shape our digital future — today.

The projects are listed according to their funding programmes. The following information comes from official project descriptions that can be found on the respective websites.

EuroHPC JU - European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking 

PRACE - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

SHAPE - SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe

HORIZON 2020 - EU Programme for Research and Innovation 
